The flame of spirit & acceleration of calling

The flame of spirit & acceleration of calling – from Michael Meade’s your calling keeps calling

No one comes to life to be a small person. The great myths tell of how we each come to the world with a story that has already been written inside us. Nature only makes original, just as one tree is different from another so too is every human being utterly unique, never to be born again.

The calling that calls each of us calls to live the unique story that first brought us into the world. If we do that we grow into ourselves. We become our unique self, we bring something valuable to life.

We live in critical times, surrounded by radical change that severely effect nature and culture. To be alive at this time means to be aware of more than just the common realities of life, because common reality themselves are being subjected to uncommon extremes, and are being torn by uncommon tensions.

To be alive now means to be challenged to take an expansion of identity in order to not be overwhelmed by the flood of changes surging in nature and culture. And in times of change, just as in periods of personal crisis there can be an acceleration of calling. As the cracks in the world become more pronounced, the call of spirit and the need for awakening can become more evident. When everything outside tends to fall apart, the hidden message inside life maybe closer to the surface.

In the midst of radical changes, revelations of spirit, awakening of genius maybe closer to us than ever, the modern world tends to ignore both the expected stages of life and the unexpected events that can serve to awaken a persons life. Yet calling and vocation are part of the ancient sense of being born into a unique adventure of self discovery and to a calling to aspire to greater consciousness and a genuine life of meaning and purpose. Awakening to a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives reveals that something mysterious operates in us and through us. And it used to be said that the world aligns with us as we align to our purpose. In that sense awakening to purpose is deeply personal as well as world affecting.

Because what calls to us is timeless, calling can come at any time in life. The genius in the spirit of life within remains youthful. The genius continues to be on the cutting edge of our knowing. And the calling keeps calling no matter what age we are, or position, condition or situation we may find ourselves.

In mythological terms, the unfolding of the next world is already underway. And finding and living our souls genuine purpose is the way we contribute to the renewal and remaking of the world.




