What my clients say

Thank you Ryan for your sweet and compassionate guidance and approachable steps to working with Polyvagal Theory.
I had to face one of the hardest things in my life during this course, being told I need to embrace the good qualities of my father whom I have rejected with every ounce of my being.
I found this an incredibly supportive experience within a small group ably guided and prompted by Ryan’s observations both in our group zooms and written material to read on Substack.
I learnt so much about myself that can grow my personal development as well as my work development. Ryan is seriously insightful and encouraged me all the way.
Your enneagram course has had such a profound impact on the way i understand and relate to people, and has really helped me live more compassionately in the world. I really grasped, in a very concrete way, how completely differently other people see and experience the world and their place within it. And it’s enabled me to really let go of my expectations of how interactions should go.
Enabling each participant to share their experience in an environment of complete acceptance and encouragement.
You’ve taught us this same, very important and useful lesson in multiple ways. As I mentioned in the past, I used to eat chocolate chips, multiple trips to the kitchen to get another handful as I lamented about an encounter or a relationship that didn’t feel good. Gratefully, thanks to you, that’s not my first response anymore (still is occasionally a later response). Focusing on breathing and going within is so much healthier and effective. Can’t believe I never learned about it until I started meeting with you. What a gift you are in my life.
Ryan is an exceptionally knowledgeable and soothing instructor particularly to those new to meditation.
Ryan’s knowledge, humor, and compassion has made these events a joy to participate in, and an ease in which to absorb, and more importantly, to apply the wisdom I’ve been gaining. His calm, genuine manner lends a spirit of safety and trust, so vital to an intimate discourse on a technology-based platform. Equally valuable are the short meditations we are gently guided through.
I am grateful that Ryan’s facilitation of this group keeps it real, down to earth and the work directly accessible.
The insight I received in the circle last week was so simple yet profound
The more I learn the more I find the Enneagram a revealing and massively healing tool. It’s fluid and expansive, on a whole different level from the traditional personality tests I have known over the years. I must also mention that your passion for and knowledge of the Enneagram was evident in your workshop as well as our individual sessions, and together with your gentleness, sensitivity and deep intellect you make a great Enneagram teacher. I will definitely attend your future workshops and wish you the very best on your journey.
Your time and wisdom is deeply appreciated
your approach really tackles a lot more than I had expected