How to write morning pages

Morning Pages, a practice developed by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way, are a daily writing exercise designed to unblock creativity and foster self-awareness.

They are essentially brain dumps—three pages of writing done first thing in the morning. It’s all about stream-of-consciousness writing, where you jot down every single thought that comes into your head, without holding anything back. Even if what comes to mind is, “I don’t know what to write in these morning pages; they seem kind of pointless,” you write that down too. The process is as straightforward as it sounds.

Steps for Doing Morning Pages:

  1. Write First Thing in the Morning:
    • Morning Pages should be done first thing in the morning, before your day begins and before your mind gets cluttered with other thoughts and tasks.
  2. Write Three Pages by Hand:
    • The goal is to write three pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness writing. The pages should be filled with whatever comes to your mind, even if it seems trivial or nonsensical. Julia Cameron insists that long hand is key: “Velocity is the enemy. It takes longer to write by hand, and this slowness connects us to our emotional life.”
  3. Don’t Worry About Grammar or Structure:
    • The content of Morning Pages is not meant to be polished or structured. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are not important. The idea is to write freely without self-editing.
  4. Write Without a Specific Purpose:
    • Morning Pages are not meant to be “art” or even “writing” in the traditional sense. They are simply a tool for clearing your mind. The purpose is to dump out all the thoughts, worries, and clutter that might be filling your mind.
  5. Keep It Private:
    • Morning Pages are for your eyes only. This allows you to write honestly and without concern for what others might think.
  6. Be Consistent:
    • The practice works best when done consistently. Try to write Morning Pages every day, even when you don’t feel like it. The consistency helps develop a habit that nurtures creativity and self-awareness.
  7. Use It to Explore or Vent:
    • You can use Morning Pages to explore your feelings, brainstorm ideas, or simply vent about things that are bothering you. This process often helps in gaining clarity and processing emotions.
  8. Don’t Overthink It:
    • The key is to keep writing, even if you don’t know what to say. If you’re stuck, write about being stuck until something else comes to mind. The goal is to keep the pen moving across the page.

Benefits of Morning Pages:

  • Clears the Mind: Helps in clearing mental clutter and preparing you for the day.
  • Unblocks Creativity: Frees up creative energy that may be blocked by unresolved thoughts or emotions.
  • Enhances Self-Awareness: Provides a space to reflect on your thoughts and feelings, leading to greater self-awareness.
  • Reduces Stress: Writing about your worries or concerns can help alleviate stress and anxiety.


Morning Pages are a simple, yet powerful tool for self-exploration and creativity. By writing three pages of stream-of-consciousness content every morning, you can clear your mind, unlock creativity, and gain insight into your thoughts and emotions. The key is to write consistently, without worrying about the quality of the writing, and to keep the practice private.



